Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8th

Weight- 204
Only made it about 10 min on the eliptical today before my legs gave out on me, so I moved on to the bike, which only lasted 5 min. I felt like such a loser when I left the gym after only 20 min and not much accomplished. But I did go and I did get 15 min of excersize in, that's something.
Did pretty well most of the day with food, until tonight. I got to go out with two of Shane's sisters for dinner. We went to Mimi's cafe in Salt Lake and it was SO good! I got a turkey pesto ciabata with fries and coleslaw. I ate have the sandwich and the coleslaw before I was full. But then I ordered dessert, molten chocolate cake, it was yummy. I mean a person can't go through life never having dessert so I splurged. :) It was a fun night and I enjoyed the company very much. Our drive home was a little scary with all the snow but I have a great husband that took it slow and we all made it home in one peice.

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