Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 12th

Weight- 203
I slept through my alarm this morning! So I didn't go to the gym again. :( Dang it! But once the kid went down for naps, I did 45 minutes of Tae bo! Man that was intense! It felt good though. I've decided that I don't push myself hard enough and I just do the basics, so I'm pushing myself and working as hard as I can.
I ate 2300 calories today, most of which was good. I did have some cookie dough after my work out but I thought I deserved it. :)

January 11th

Weight- 206
Didn't get up and go to the gym today. Baxter was up again a lot, so I was just too tired. I did do 10 minutes of kickboxing though. Not much but I wasn't in the mood.
Don't remember what I ate. A bit of a rough day, but then got to go shopping with my mom and sister.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 10

Weight- 206
Did the "hills" setting on the tredmill today for 25 min. Our shower is broken so I had to cut my work out short so I could shower at the gym before I left.
Had a bad for eating though, I seem to have fallen back in to bad habits again already. So from now on I'm writing down what I eat again. I ate a bowl of candied popcorn and it made me sick, so I need to lay of the sweets.
Shane started school today, so it may be hard at nights when I'm alone after the kids have gone to bed, to not snack so much.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

January 8th

Weight- 204
Only made it about 10 min on the eliptical today before my legs gave out on me, so I moved on to the bike, which only lasted 5 min. I felt like such a loser when I left the gym after only 20 min and not much accomplished. But I did go and I did get 15 min of excersize in, that's something.
Did pretty well most of the day with food, until tonight. I got to go out with two of Shane's sisters for dinner. We went to Mimi's cafe in Salt Lake and it was SO good! I got a turkey pesto ciabata with fries and coleslaw. I ate have the sandwich and the coleslaw before I was full. But then I ordered dessert, molten chocolate cake, it was yummy. I mean a person can't go through life never having dessert so I splurged. :) It was a fun night and I enjoyed the company very much. Our drive home was a little scary with all the snow but I have a great husband that took it slow and we all made it home in one peice.

January 7th

Weight- 204
This morning I rode a bike at the gym. I went 8.5 miles in about 24 minutes. I was very happy because I never slowed down I kept a steady pace at a level 9. It really helped me to have a book with me because I got caught up in it and didn't really pay attention to how much my legs were hurting. Though at the end I was feeling it. :)
I didn't eat as well as I'd hoped today, but I did turn down fast food twice! It wasn't fun to just sit with my family in Carl's Jr and watch them eat but it's what I needed to do and I felt proud of that decision.
A little discouraged that I'm not seeing a whole lot of results, but I know that it's going to take time. I can feel the muscles in my arm growing though and that excites me!

Friday, January 7, 2011

January 6th

Weight- 204
Again Baxter didn't sleep well so I couldn't pull myself out of bed. I ate a little better all day, and for dinner made a pasta salad that Shane loves. Just veggie pasta with all kinds of veggies in it and then some Italian dressing. It's so yummy, and I figure that it can't be too bad with all of the veggies in there. I was able to go work out later and did 3 circuts of 10 reps each again. I can already feel my arm muscles starting to define, and I am SO excited! I've always wanted "sexy" toned arms and now I'm doing it!
Forgot to read my scriptures tonight, but did read a bit of 3 Nephi with the hubby.

January 5th

Weight- 203
This was a bad day. Baxter didn't sleep well so I didn't sleep well so I didn't go work out. Then I didn't eat very well all day. But I did discover that I was not eating enough calories. For some reason I had it in my head that I needed 1500-1600 calories to lose weight. Well I calculated it (about 4 times just to make sure) and I really need about 2400 calories a day! Wow, no wonder I was hungry all the time!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 4th

Weight- 203
Today was weight day. I did three circuts of 10 reps each. I don't remember exactly how much weight it was though. I felt pretty good and it was nice to be home a little bit earlier. Baxter seems to have a sixths sense about when I leave. He wakes up every morning just after I leave, so poor Shane is tired and starting next week that's not going to be good.
As for my eating I didn't do so well. I guess I didn't do horrible but I did have a couple of cookies before bed. Other than that I did pretty well.
Shane and I read a scripture chain on professies about John the Baptist. I don't think I ever realized just how many proffessies there are about John the Baptist. Even in the Book of Mormon.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

January 3rd

Weight 203
For my work out today I went to the gym and ran on a tredmill. I went 1.8 miles in 30 min. Not fast but it was a work out that's all I'm trying to focus on right now. It's tough getting up at 4:20 AM to go but I'm determined to do this so I'll make it work!
I got groceries and made sure to get lots of fruits and veggies and I looked at all the labels to see what the calories were.
I read Matthew 1 tonight. While reading I thought a lot about Joseph and he must have felt. He was such good man. Every time you hear about him in the scriptures it's about what a good man he was. He was such a good father and husband, and he was so strong and faithful.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 2nd

Weight- 205
Today was fast Sunday so I didn't have breakfast or lunch. For dinner we had steak, mashed potatoes (I kept mine separate with minimal butter and no cream cheese), breadsticks, and mixed veggies. I kept it down to one helping of each then had a 100 calorie fat boy for dessert. Later I had another breadstick, some hot apple cider (my new favorite snack, only 8 calories!), jerky, and some pineapple.
I did study part of the Sunday school lesson for next week. It's on Luke 1. I studied about when Gabriel came to see Mary and told her that she was going to be the mother of Christ. I can't imagine having an angel come and tell me that I'd "found favor" with God and would bear his child. Mary was an extraordinary woman and was worried at first but then said, "behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto be according to thy word." She didn't think about what it would mean, she just said ok, I'm here to do what needs to be done. I need to remember this and do what's asked of me without asking why, or worry about what it's going to mean later on. Unwavering faith that's what it is and what I need.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 1st

Weight- 206
Ate pretty well today. Ate 1540 calories, with most of it good healthy food.
Didn't excersize though. We were gone all day, we went to Heber and then Tremonton.
Didn't study my scriptures either, new goal is to read and study every day the Sunday school lesson for the next week. Doing pretty well. Determination still high!