Friday, December 31, 2010

New year new me!

Now 203 lbs ( this pains and disgusts me)
Then 165-GOAL

I am starting 2011 off with a new goal to loose 35pounds by August! I will do it this year! I have signed up for a gym in Logan, and I am tired of not feeling good about myself. I am going to count calories and record it every day! My sisters-in-law are working on goals as well, so we are going to have a reward for ourselves if we can meet our goals by August. My goal weight is 165, which was my weight when I met Shane. Looking back at pictures from our engagment and wedding really helped give me the motivation that I need. I'm going to buy me a scale and weigh myself once a week and report how much I've lost, or gained.

My work out schedule will be Mon., Wed., Fri., going to the gym for cardio, running or eliptical for 30 min. Tues and Thurs will be weights. Saturday's will be light work out at home and Sunday's will be my rest. I know that you need rests during the week but I need to keep a strict schedule so that I can stay motivated and so I can get up and go. I have to get up at 4:30 in order to be able to make it to the gym before Shane goes to work.

It's going to be a crazy year with a lot going on but we're going to make it! I am grateful for the support of my family and their willingness to help me with this goal.

I will try to write on here every about what I ate and what I did to work out. Any suggestions on food or workouts would be appreciated. Here I go!!!

1 comment:

  1. The biggest thing I can suggest (and I can't stress this enough) is to just eat real food. It sounds so simple, but really everything we're used to eating is either highly refined or man-made or at least filled with sugar. If you really think about what's in your food and where it came from, it will make a big difference. I think the hardest thing about doing this for me was giving up snacky things like crackers. But, if you're hungry, eat something REAL. I know counting calories really works, but I've never tried it because it seems like too much trouble, but just make sure you get all your fruits and veggies in. I think that's the most important part. And if you're filling yourself up with fruits, veggies, whole grains and meat, you won't be as hungry for treats.

    You might even try cutting sugar out completely for a month. That's what we did, and after that, you really don't crave it as much. Fruit becomes your sugar.

    Also, make sure to just take it one day at a time. Don't beat yourself up and feel like everything is ruined if you have a bad eating day or miss a workout.

    You should check out this blog post, she has an amazing weight loss story and some good advice:

    Having a set time to workout and a plan, like you have, helps a lot too so I think you're off to a great start! You can totally do this! :)
