Sunday, November 29, 2009

Yikes! My Saturday run was not so good. I decided to run to the store so I could get some things to make Shane a lemon cake. The way to the store wasn't too bad, it's down hill and pretty easy, but about 3/4 of the way there my hip started really hurting, I couldn't walk without it hurting, so I just took it easy. Once I got my things and started home it was SO COLD!! The wind was blowing right past my ears, making them hurt pretty bad. Less than half the way home I called Shane to come and get me. I felt like such a wimp but once I got in the car I could feel my whole body thawing out. I hadn't realized how cold I really was. I think that I am going to do this weeks runs for another week since I missed 2 runs.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Week 2

This weeks plan of action is: Run 90 Seconds walk 2 minutes. It went surprisingly well. Though I didn't go nearly as far as I'd have liked. It ended up being 1.5 miles in 19 minutes. But I went up and down hills so I consider that a good work out and tough run, at least for me. :) I feel like I'm still struggling but I'm still working on it and going for it and I WILL make it!!!!! Thanks Katie and Colleen for helping me decide to do this and for all your help.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Saturday run

Saturday I went for just a quick 15 minute run. We had family over for dinner and I had an apartment to clean and homemade chicken noodle soup and cinnamon rolls to make. Besides the fact that I still have shin splints, not too bad though. I ended up running a measly 1.6 miles. But I still ran that's what counts in my mind right now. I am not enjoying it as much as I did on my first run, but I'm still doing it and I am going to continue doing it!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

2nd run

I was really worried about going on my run today. My kids were both up a lot last night so I didn't get much sleep, and half of what I got was on the recliner in the kids' room. But I did go, and it kicked my BUTT! After my run on Tuesday I thought that this was going to be easier than I thought. But today was tough. I didn't even take any hills or anything. It was pretty much flat and straight. I just mapped it and it was 2 miles, it took me about 29 minutes. SO SLOW! I had to walk the last 7 minutes or so. I'm not sure why it was so tough on me today, but I still did it, that's what counts for me right now.

Pilates day

I've decided that just running isn't going to cut it for me. So on the days I don't run I plan on doing some of my work out videos. Last night I decided to do some Pilates. I got started later than I wanted to and ended up being too tired. I did some but didn't do all of it, plus Aria thought I was playing and kept sitting on me or trying to push me over. She wanted to join in, it was pretty cute. Tonight's another run, I hope that I can handle it, we had a rough night with not much sleep on my part.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

1st run

I was so excited to get out and run today. I even bought myself new pants and a jacket to run in. I am doing the couch to 5K program and todays plan was to start off with a 5 minute warm up walk and then alternate 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes. I thought it went really well for my first run in over 10 months. I even ran longer than 60 seconds a couple of times. I mapped my run and I went 1.47 miles. Not too shabby I think. I have decided on the days that I don't run I will make sure to do some other workout, be it Tae-bo, Pilates, or Yoga. I really want to get active again and to be more fit.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I am so excited to start running tomorrow! I am going to start the program called "couch to 5K". It starts off pretty easy and builds up to running a 5K over 9 weeks. So if I stick with it I will be up to a 5K by mid January. Yes I plan on running through the holidays. I am trying to get back down to the weight I was when Shane and I got married.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Ten day

There are officially 10 days until I go see my doctor for my check-up and hopefully get the ok to start exercising. I've started getting antsy and I definitely have more energy and I'm ready to go! I need to find out a training plan and figure out my plan of attack! I'm excited.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

2 more weeks

So her I go! My sister-on-laws have talked me into trying to run a marathon next year! Am I crazy or what?!?!? As scary as it seems I am so excited! As I type this first blog I haven't even started running yet. I had a baby 4 weeks ago today, so I am taking my doctors advice and orders and waiting 2 more weeks before I start anything serious, by way of exercise. I am a bit worried because I will also be starting school again in the spring, I hope that I can handle everything! Life will be a bit crazy for awhile but I am excited to have a fitness goal. So here I go!!!